The Anatomy of Pleasure PDF Book

Reproduction rights available to these beautiful and diverse images of genitals and genital anatomy

The Anatomy of Pleasure

by Onika Henry and Caffyn Jesse



PDF Book


Anatomy of Pleasure is a book by two esteemed somatic sex educators who have helped hundreds of clients understand, heal and celebrate their sexuality. Onika Henry and Caffyn Jesse describe The Anatomy of Pleasure as presenting “a small taste of the delicious diversity of genitals.” You will find drawings here that honor many diverse genital structures, and the fabulous shapes, forms and colours that genitals come in. The authors rejoice that “genitals are as different as faces.” Their book includes intersex and transgender genitals, emphasizes that gonadal structure does not determine gender identity, and celebrates non-biological genitals. Anatomy diagrams show systems of arousal and erection, along with pelvic musculature and innervation.


The authors hope “these images will invite you to feel more authentic, compassionate and fully accepting of the vast diversity of life, including your own uniqueness.”

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