Here you will find a collection of writings and videos created by the faculty, adjunct faculty, and guest teachers, as well as final projects of our graduated students. We endeavor to continually add to this library as more and more resources are created.
We are offering access to our library in exchange for a donation to our BIPOC scholarship fund. Your contribution of $10- $50 is helping to support bringing more, and much-needed diversity into our profession.
The Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education commits to continued learning and allyship with BIPOC students in bringing more anti-racist and decolonial awareness and presence to the profession of somatic sex education. We have various fundraising initiatives, and we apply monies from program income. The Somatic Sex Educators Association also does fundraising. In addition to the scholarship fund, we also fund a staff position for a BIPOC-Faculty Liaison.
Thank you for your contribution!