The Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education is pleased to offer all students who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, or Person of Colour), racialized, and/or mixed race an additional support on their SSE learning journeys. The BIPOC Mentorship Program is an emergent initiative launched in the summer of 2020 as a response to growing awareness in the field that financial scholarships are often not enough to ensure equitable access and transformative change. BIPOC learners often need and deserve dedicated learning spaces, leadership opportunities, and one on one support in order to thrive in the context of a racist and colonial society.
The BIPOC Mentorship Program consists of several components. Upon entering Core Course 1, BIPOC students will have access to mentorship calls with the BIPOC Faculty Liaison, in addition to the standard Faculty mentorship calls. Additionally, there is a closed Facebook group specifically for BIPOC students to share their experiences, resources, and questions. BIPOC students may also choose to attend the monthly BIPOC Community of Practice Calls where small group discussion and support are available. As a part of the Mentorship Program BIPOC-identified students also have the option of requesting that a BIPOC-identified Faculty Member serve as their Faculty Mentor for Core Courses 1 and 3. As the program develops, other BIPOC-specific affinity groups, electives, and other learning opportunities may be created.